
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Soul Crush Ep. 28 Ram Dass & Embodying Love
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
- What is Embodiment?
- How do we Embody & Express the Love that We Are?
- The legacy that Ram Dass left
- How facing Grief can open us to Love
- Learning to take chances and trust ourselves
- Following our intuition and inner callings
We invite you to join Adriana this Saturday, May 15th for her class on self love and pleasure, called: EROS + EMBODIMENT
Tickets to join can be found here:
To Join The Power of Love School’s next Teacher Training, jump onto the waiting list to receive the signup discount~ https://signup.artoflovingyou.com/cj7282r0qe
To follow more of Adriana's offerings and to join her upcoming events and workshops you can follow her at: https://www.instagram.com/artofloving/
Or over at her website: https://www.theloverecovery.com/

Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
- Duality of being Human & Divine.
- Who is Shakti?
- “Fear is fuel”; learning how to harness fear’s power to discover ourselves fully.
- How the creative process can be such medicine in today’s world.
- Ways that performative arts can give space for us to explore the shadow sides of us that we may normally be scared to face.
- Physical embodiment when it comes to writing, art, and other forms of the creative process.
To find out more about Faith’s work, her story, and her book “The Love Letter", you can visit her website at:
To follow Faith’s art and readings, check out her Instagram: @rawfsh
To follow more of Adriana's offerings and to join her upcoming events and workshops you can follow her at: https://www.instagram.com/artofloving/
Or over at her website: https://www.theloverecovery.com/

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Soul Crush Ep.26 The Good Fight on the Full Moon with David Harshada Wagner
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
- Why the Bhagavad Gita is the most "seminal texts" of the Indian-Hindu traditions and how it relates and shines light on today's climate.
- Leadership & F**kery. How these times of watching our leaderships fail is causing an overwhelming feeling of disempowerment as citizens are unsure of what they can do during these times.
- "What is our Good Fight to be Fighting Right now?" Taking the idea of "fighting a good fight" internally: of finding your individual purpose and then confronting your inner enemies.
- Dharma and Swadharma: the importance of knowing your purpose right now. Knowing that if we don't decide, others out there are more than willing to try and find that for you.
- Warrior Consciousness. A willingness to not be guided by fear. Learning to let go of the hate and anger surrounded in fear and using these instead to guide you to address your inner enemies.
To find out more about David's upcoming 9 week program, The Gita Course: Deep Support for Challenging Times, you can visit David's website at:
For more ways to follow David and his offerings, follow him on his instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/davidhwagner/
To follow more of Adriana's offerings and to join her upcoming events and workshops you can follow her at: https://www.instagram.com/artofloving/
Or over at her website: https://www.theloverecovery.com/

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 25 Climate, Politics + Art as Activism with Angel Del Sol
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
- How the act of service can bring us to a truer sense of who we actually are-in purpose, spirituality + passion.
- Angela's journey of discovering how to create cultural bridges as a Latina, Columbia-born immigrant in the U.S.
- How art has become an form of activism: a way to remind and wake-up our communities to what is truly going on within our systems of government and societies. That ART can be a way of speaking up and out!
- Angela sharing what the Creative Resilience Project in NYC is.
- Ways we can connect to our ancestral pain. To sit in this and then move from that awareness towards micro & macro healing towards joy.
Listen in to find how you can find connection of your values in politics, nature, sexuality, and the relationships you are building around yourself.
To find out more about Angela and her offerings please follower her on IG: @angeladelsol
And over at her website: www.angeladelsol.com

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 24 Embodied Spirituality, Social Justice + Soul Medicine
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
- Bravely facing the hard conversations and asking the questions of why we have allowed silence, passiveness, ignorance and avoidance into our lives & how these barriers are holding us back.
- Learning how to open our eyes, minds, hearts, and voices to allow truth to be the pathway into creating our real purpose in life.
- Two embodiment practices (for opening and closing the conversation) to ground + set an intention of social justice and truth for all ready to receive.
- Our core connection between us all; the multi-dimensions of this and how to show up better in our "now" reality.
- Learning how to let go of who you "think you are" to allow spirit and energy to guide you into who you need to become.
Listen in to learn more about the Ascension Seed, their offerings and you can find out more from them by following them on IG: @theascensionseed

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 23 Death + Grace with Matthew Dwyer
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
- Exploring grief and our fear of death on the spiritual path of healing and awakening to living more fully.
- Why we would welcome our own relationship to death and dying and how it can help us find more meaning in life and challenging times.
- How to use our own suffering or grief to be able to sit with someone else's in our work with people.
- Meditation and guidance for connecting to the ALIVENESS we find in the TRUTH of the natural cycles of our being.

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 22 Singing your Highest Note with Heidi Rose Robbins
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
- How astrology can underline and pinpoint what each of our soul’s purpose + habitual patterns in this life are.
- How to be generous in our services in our soul's purpose AND also generous to ourselves within the moon-patterned moments.
- What we can discover in our rising sign + moon position in our birth charts, and how to use this to the fullest advantage of self-information for our plans in life.
- Learning tools and articulation of how to express the energy of our birth charts and discovery of our innate talents.
- Developing a sense of humor in the reflection of our “moon-to-the-rising sign patterns” and continued cycles that may seem to hinder our destination in life.
- Being kind and soft to ourselves and others.

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 22: Free Your Inner Voice with Nikki Slade
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
This episode is part of Power of Love School's Free Online Series, where we are learning about the roots of Yoga, how it can heal us and how we can open to more diversity and inclusivity into our practice, hearts, and lives.
Join Adriana Rizzolo with guest speaker, Nikki Slade in this discussion about chanting and Freeing Your Inner Voice.
In this episode, Adriana and Nikki share with our listeners:
Two offerings and examples of a mantra-chanting practice, for listeners to experience the art and practice of chanting.
The basic origins of mantra and the examples of some of the Indian saints that brought this practice into being.
How the "pursuit of bliss" is actually not about the outer practices or environments we find ourselves in-but rather a practice of the inner growth and nurturing of the self.
- Giving ourselves permission to choose our own devotion and beliefs to utilize to the fullest extent of our purpose her on earth.
- Learning how a mantra and chanting practice is not discriminatory; this practice can be integrated within any belief system.
To find out more about Nikki, her 25 years of practice with voice, chanting, and helping others reclaim their lives through song, check out her website at: https://nikkislade.com
To learn more about these Free Virtual Classes with Adriana, her offerings and what Power of Love School is all about, visit www.artoflovingyou.com

Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 21 Sex + Relationship with Olivia Clementine
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
In this 60 minute class Adriana + Olivia who are long time friends and dharma sisters, will discuss both practical and esoteric ways to connect to your sexuality as well as the spiritual path of relating.
In this recording of their virtual class, Adriana + Olivia discuss some topics such as:
Ways to open to greater pleasure during sex, and how to stay cultivate it when alone.
Common communication pitfalls and ways we can open to greater intimacy both to ourselves and another.
How to stay in connection to our worth with boundaries when relating to others.
Meditation and guidance for connecting to the wildness of our love.
Olivia Clementine is a healer and mentor as a relationship guide, having deepened her own practices and teaching within the realms and cycles from the ancient Nyingma buddhist school, and Chöd from the 11th century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön.
Olivia persistently explores methods of communication, somatic and subtle body awareness, erotic tension, as well as mind modifications that allow us the possibility to embody a liberating, real and compassionate version of intimacy. You can find out more about Olivia's teaching at her website: https://oliviaclementine.com
You can also join Adriana + Olivia again for another free deep conversation + webinar of Taking Down the Armor Meditation + Embodiment August 15th, 10aPST by clicking the link and signing up for the free webinar address.
For more information on Adriana Rizzolo's work and her Power of Love School, please visit https://www.artoflovingyou.com

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Soul Crush Ep. 20 What is Tantra with Malcolm McQuirter
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
This episode is part of Power of Love School's Free Online Series, where we are learning about the roots of Yoga, how it can heal us and how we can open to more diversity and inclusivity into our practice, hearts, and lives.
Join Adriana Rizzolo with guest speaker, Malcolm McQuirter in this Real Talk about Tantra.
In this episode, Malcolm shares with our listeners:
What Tantra is and how we cause learn more to deepen both our yoga practice and take back out lives from societal conditional and suffering.
What Goddess worship is really all about from a traditional perspective and how this applies to those of us wanting to honor and appreciate the traditions of Yoga.
The true meaning of the Guru, how yoga gets passed down from teacher to student, the issues with themwe have, and what it really means to live with an awarness of greater ALIVENESS.
Meditation and how it can help us tap in to that root of our souls power, passion and pleasure filled living!
To find out more about Malcolm and his offerings, please visit his Instagram account: @Malcolm_mcq
To learn more about these Free Virtual Classes with Adriana, her offerings and what Power of Love School is all about, visit www.artoflovingyou.com